18 June 2006

Shawsheska's Diary

I sometimes come up with stories. I imagine different situations and write about them sometimes. Some other times I just act a part. I imagine that I've just broken up with my man, or that I'm the CEO of a major organization. I never said I was totally sane, on the contrary I explicitly remember stating otherwise.

So, without further ado, I present to you Shawsheska, a young female who's everyone you can think of. She's the first woman to walk on the moon, she's the scientist who discovered that all important discovery, she's the next Ms. Monroe. She's the devil incarnate, or best of all; my favorite: just the girl next door. Shawsheska has a notebook with a colorful flower on the cover that she uses as a diary. The diary is her best friend, her confidante. The only one in the world who knows her deepest darkest secrets, her dreams and fears, the sources of happiness in her life and those of heartache and pain. So whenever Shawsheska feels like she needs someone who would really understand she talks to her dear friend Diary.

So from time to time, I will get some paragraphs out of her diary and put them out here for everyone to read. I sure hope she doesn't mind. Maybe one day she'll discover that I'm doing her a favour and helping her out of her little shell. I'm not saying that I am really doing her a favour(I honestly don't know at all what I'm doing exactly), I'm just saying I hope she would think so.


Tiny said...

I am seriosuly looking forward about her, simply because I have one of my own. Mine doesn't have a given name though, because she's so other than myslef. And I believe Shawsheska is an "alternative" you as well.

This other character,the one I fill out pages and pages about in my diary,the one who's voice I hear constantly in my head,acting out my most devilish thoughts at times, or crying helplessly at others is no stranger.. for how could I picture her so vividly or expect her every mood, move amd emotions without her being an integral part of me!?

Our souls are deep and complicated..a closed vault..and you are about to open up yours giving no heed to the reaction of the audience. I raise my hat to you,my friend..wish I had your guts.

Rain said...

Well Tiny, i just made up her name. i thought about leaving her nameless but i realized that referring to her would be a little bit annoying without a name :p

On a more serious note though, I guess in some way Shawsheska is sometimes an "alternative" me as you put it. Sometimes she's got my same characteristics and feelings, but some other times she's totally fiction, a young lady that lived in the 17th or 18th century, or just anyone who's living with us now, but having another lifestyle, and a totally different life than mine. And sometimes it's a mixture of both. So let's see if you'll be able to know which is which ;)

Tiny said...

sorry sorry sorry everyone..
it's not "who's"...it's "whose"
lack of concentration:s