30 March 2008


Hmmm, what should I write about this time?

It's been a while (as usual). I think that's a trend in my life. I get involved in something and then after a while I just forget all about it or put it aside, only to remember a while after that that "I was doing something.. wasn't I?". Does that have to do with my memory? Or is it all about me getting bored of stuff faster than the normal? And if that's the case, does that apply to every single thing in my life? Including the important things that simply can't be placed in that category?

I mean, if I create an account on some radio streaming site and then get bored of it and never log in again, that's not such a major issue. In fact, it's a dumb issue and if I give it any attension then I'm just as dumb. But if I go buy a car or a house and decide that I got bored of it and just want to change it after having it for a very short time, now that's a bit of a problem.

Let's take this to the higher level, where it could be a real problem....

Visualise this with me if you will:

I pick a great career and go the distance and start actually working in a good company, and just a little while later I'm considering a career shift. Not changing my job but in the same line of business.. Noo, that would actually make sense. A total change in careers is what I'm talking about, and it just keeps going.

Another drastic change: (and here, a good psychiatrist will tell you that this is probably what I've been meaning ever since I started writing this whole post, but was too afraid to admit it that I tried as much as I can to disguise it into just one of the many examples that merely explain my point) getting involved with someone, or just letting them know that you like them and then changing your mind a little bit later and not knowing why or how it happened.

Please note that I'm not saying this is happening to me right now. I'm saying it happened before and it's scary to think that it could happen again. Because you never know what could happen in your life. You could eat a certain type of food for an enterval of your life and maybe even consider it your favorite, and then all of a sudden it falls off your menu for no good reason, or maybe you decide to eat it a lot for the rest of your life and actually do that!
This wasn't a great "metaphor", here's another one:

You could do something once and never do it again, or the exact opposite; you do it enough times for it to become a trend. Like going to the gym, eating junk food, drinking massive amounts of alcohol till you pass out... Or liking someone and then not liking them anymore...

I sure hope this doesn't happen to me ever again. Ask me why...