12 July 2006

Paper-Work Heaven Part I

Yeah, right!

Paper-work Utopia, where everyone greets you with a smile and a welcome drink, and then they adjust the AC just the way you prefer it until you are satisfactorily served and ready to go on your way. The service itself is beyond seven stars.. they know what you want before you even mention it. And before you know it it's done and voilĂ ! home sweet home.

ALRIGHT! Snap out of it!! It's time you see the real deal (this is the perfect time to have an evil smirk on my prrrretty prrretty face)

I went to run a couple of paperwork errands today.. stuff for the new job and things that I should've done a long time ago.. I tend to leave that boring stuff till the very end.. y'know when I just have to do it. I had my ID done when I was 22 simply because I didn't need it earlier.
So the first thing I wanted to do was to renew my passport which was the easiest and nicest part of the whole thing. You go to an air conditioned hall, get a form, fill a tiny part of it and then give it to a nice lady who gives you two paper slips to fill out and that's it, you pay and get it either later that day or the next depending on how urgently you need it.
Then I started the other stuff...

I had to get a thing called "Sa7ifa Gena2eya", I guess rap sheet or something? It's where they get your fingerprints and then check your record to see if you have any prior offences. First thing I did was go yesterday at 12:15 to the booth that was designated for that errand. A booth!! I asked the woman sitting there about what documents I needed to get to do that sa7ifa thing. She replied in a Don-Corleone-like voice that I had to get the mumble mumble and a photo copy of my ID and a mumble mumble from the post office and come back tomorrow any time between 8 and 11:30 to do it. What kind of establishment finishes work at 11:30 am???!!!

Aaanyway, so today I went again at 9:15, found out what all the mumbles were from a different guy that was in the booth (Yesterday's woman must have been the customer support or something) then started my journey to collect mumbles from the PO, the police station and back to the booth to get my fingers smudged and ..er...printed? You know what I mean, or at least I hope so.

Documents List:
  • Passport : check
  • Rap Sheet: check
So now I have left the "ka3b 3amal". Its word for word translation is work heel which is quite bizzarre, why on earth did they call it that?? I have no clue as to what it states or what it is needed for, but they want it so I'll get it.
This document's adventure started today but is not yet complete. so I'll leave it to part two so that I give you the full story in detail.

Ciao for Now!

Oh and by the way, VIVA ITALIA!!!! Azzurri : campioni del mondo


Christian said...

Getting paperwork done in Egypt has to be by far and away the most dreadful thing I can think of. I hated the process to an extent that I could even be called phobic.

I got my military exemption paperwork done 2 years later than it should've been, and only when I needed it for a paasport.

I'd worked in Egypt for 3 years without ever having the official paperwork to show for it. Never got "el sa7eefa el gena2eya" or "ka3b el 3amal" even though I should have.

The process of getting a passport was probably one of the best surprises I ever had, including birthday ones. Just how smooth, pleasant, and fast the thing went left me in disbelief. Why can't everything be just like that in Egypt?!

Rain said...

Don't you mean paSsport? :p
(sorry, couldn't help it,
I just had to say something)

I didn't do any paperwork for my first job of 8 months either. They told me I should but they added the lovely keyword "there's no rush, anytime" and that was it! It's just the same as saying "who cares!"

Egypt can never be like the beauty of the passport thing, I don't think we can handle it.I think people will get sick or something... like try to imagine the Nile without pollution( NO WAY!)

Christian said...

I said:
The process of getting a passport

You said:
Don't you mean paSsport?


Poor you, you're trying so hard to find the mistakes that you're imagining them :P

Rain said...

I got my military exemption paperwork done 2 years later than it should've been, and only when I needed it for a paasport.

Rings a bell? :p

Christian said...

lol, yeah, sorta :P