07 July 2006

Oracle, Here I Come !!

I keep trying to write a good beginning to this post, but nothing comes to mind... oh what the hell!

So, I left work day before yesterday. I had given my boss a one month notice a month ago ( what a coincidence, huh?) and Tuesday was my last day there. I thought I would feel terrible that day and that the gloominess would show and I would hate myself for it, but one of my weirdest characteristics kicked in and saved the day.

You see, one of the weird things about me is that things don't sink in as fast as they should with me. Like, a friend of mine would be leaving for a year or so to study abroad and I'd be all cheery about it and tell everyone off for making a scene and getting that friend all worked up about it until he/she actually gets on the plane and leaves. A couple of days later I realise the whole thing and feel terrible because I know that I'll miss them terribly.
Another stupidly bizzarre example is a friend's birthday or our prom. I'd realize the next day that it was so much fun and that I had the greatest time.

Back to the main story, I left that day all cheery and stuff after saying goodbye to all my friends and us promising that we'll keep in touch and the outings will increase significantly. And all the time and up till this very moment I totally feel that I'm just on a vacation and when I get back to work it will be in the same place with the same people. I guess it will all sink in on the first (or maybe second) day of my new job.

And now to the fun part of the quiting-the-job thing. I'm going to work in Oracle!!! yaaay! I'm so excited about it and so scared at the same time. Not that I think I won't be good at what I do, and not even because I'm afraid of meeting new people, because I already know four or five people there, one of which is going to be starting with me on the same day. I'm just scared because I'm facing a whole new experience with a whole new level of professionalism. Come to think of it, not exactly scared... a little bit on my toes is more like it. So, with my fingers crossed, I proudly say ORACLE, here I come!! :D :D


Christian said...

Congrats on the new job :)
I know a bunch of people who will be joining Oracle in Egypt as well.

Here's to a successful and enjoyable career :)

Rain said...

Thank you very much Chris :D