31 January 2012

Lonliest Day of My Life

Yesterday was the worst day of my life. Part of my existence shattered to pieces right in front of my eyes. It was just like one of those near death accidents where you see everything going in slow motion and you feel so detached from it all, as if you are watching a movie in 3D. It's happening around you but there's nothing you can do but watch it unfold.
I see now why it's easier with a fight. With a fight you know what's coming. You shout, scream, yell at each other, throw stuff at one another and slam doors. Then you cool off, say you're sorry and it's done.
What happened was something else. Something you dread with people in your life, let alone the people of your life. How can your parents break up with you? The silence in the room was more deafening than the loudest noise. Statements were made that broke the household in pieces. The cruelty of it all was too much to take. Every white was tainted.

I trust there is a way back... there has to be.

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