21 August 2007

The Magic Garden

I close my eyes and dream of a garden. A magical garden right in front of me. It's spread as far as I can see.
Take my hand and walk with me, into the garden. walk with me along the wavy brick paths paving the way. Through the dancing leaves of flowers with the colours of the rainbow, and the beauty of the stars.
Look into my eyes as we reach the tips of the magical pathway. Smile back at me... because you know what I'm thinking about like you always do. Nod at me and do as I do at the very same moment. Take off your shoes and take the first step with me, barefoot into the magical garden. Our magical garden.
We run together and embrace the leaves, but you never leave my hand. I am safe in your hands.
Lie with me and breathe it all in... we are one till the very end.

Listen to: The Cranberries - Never Grow Old

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